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Entry 9- Haunt Cleansed and Wards

             The next dawn came with a light misting and rays of red light. I woke up as the sun rose over the eastern hills. I left the healer hut with my staff. I was dressed in light flax tunic and soft hide pants. I looked around the village and everything was calm and cool. I stretched a bit to loosen my jounts. I had the necklace I found on the body around my neck. I wanted to check with  Maura and Bevin, first to apologize. Then I wanted to ask if they had any words for their deceased husband/father.

            So I walked to the house. In the few days that I’ve been gone the village had come together and fixed her basement door. I went up to the houses front door and knocked gently. She reluctantly answered the door. She saw me and sighed a breath of relief. She opened her door the rest of the way and I noticed Bevin going to hide. I didn’t need to call to the boy. Instead I stepped into the house quietly. Maura looked at me as I took the locket off and showed her.

            “You knew this haunt.”




            “Is he the Bevin’s dad?”

            “No. Bevin’s father was a traveler. It was only one night.”

            “Then this guy must have been your dad?”


            “Why did Bevin kill him.”

            “He was an abusive dark man.” Her eyes glossed over as she looked at the locket. “M-May I have that?”

            I handed it over. “Do you have any words for him?” I asked.

            “May he rot within the Iron Prison!” She said harshly.

            “Alright. I will pass it on.” I turned towards the door. “When the haunt is gone. Bevin won’t need to hide anymore. And I will keep the secrets we’ve learned here along with the other mystics of course. I am a secret keeper.

            I left the house. Then went back to the abandoned house at the edge of the town. As I walked up the steps, the chill coming from the house was worse than anything should be in the summer. I heard a howling and moaning coming from the Haunt. I braced myself mentally, using my knowledge of Horrors. The more aggressive nature of this haunt means the cleansing ritual was done right. It’s connection to its body was torn. Now it needed to move on in spirit.

            I then went in to face the danger that was the feral spirit. It wailed around the house breaking stuff like an angry basilisk trapped in a homestead. I stood and waited for it to notice me. It swooshed around. My iron ring was freezing on my hand as it kept floating around the house breaking walls, breaking objects and trying to get out. But never able to pass the salt lines on all the thresholds and around the perimeter of the house. Ithella and Racha must have come in with some salt to contain the haunt once I alerted them to it. It noticed me and disappeared. Then appeared behind me. I felt the cold chill on my spine.

            “So you’ve freed me as the women trapped me.”

            “Yes sir.” I said.

            “You’re a good boy.”

            “May I release you from this world?”

            “No. Maura and Bevin must pay for my death!”

            He blew through me and stood at the open doorway, looking out into the town. I looked at him. “They’ve already paid. You’ve scared Bevin into hiding and Maura into needing to take care of two mouths while only saying she’s taking care of herself.”

            He turned and looked at me with the pale eyes without iris’ and I looked back brave. I felt a small waver happen on my spine and he shook his head.

            “You’re just a boy. You wouldn’t understand. Can you please listen to the tale of the night of my death before I leave?”

            “Yes. I am here to help you.” I say.

            He disappears and I hear another shatter from the living room and go into there. I feel the oppressive cold in the room and sit down on the couch.

            “Last summer. I came home from a night out. I was having fun with some friends. And Maura. Maura my dearest daughter. Began to yell at me. She told me I was irresponsible. I was reckless and that I didn’t care about her basturd Pillar forsaken son! Well I began fighting back. I admitted that he should have been left by a pillar and sacrificed to their judgement. When he came out deformed. I cursed his father.”

            I began to curl myself up onto the couch as the Haunt talked and the room got colder.

            He continued. “Well, that bastard of a child, threw a hammer at my head. Everything went black. I met the grand Pillar Guardian. A masked figure judging my every action. He deemed me not worthy of this world and I felt a tear. Something was ripped from me. But then I found an escape. I came back and reformed here. Bodiless and stuck in this house. My presence removed my memory from the people of this town. Even my friends don’t remember me. The Pillars have forsaken me to this purgatory.”

            I got up and put my hand on the Haunt. The chill soaked through my skin to my bones. I felt my blood chilling in my veins and I said, “Sir. You may be released now. Your body has been cleansed and returned to the earth. I release your spirit to return to the pillar mural and add your story to the grand story of humanity.”

            My hand glowed as I said, “Our vow is complete. I’ve found your body and laid it to rest. May your spirit follow suit.”

            The spirits form began looking like dust and a light formed around it, it said, “Thank You.”

            It’s vow was concluded. The haunt left the house and immediately the warm summer sun began its work. The house itself was warming up and all the dust and cobwebs that were disturbed the haunt was settling. Tallyden felt the warmth and was ready to go report on his success with the haunt. As I stepped out, Ithella was standing in the plaza looking around. She locked eyes with me and began walking up to me. I met her halfway and told her of the ghost’s last moments. She seemed satisfied and said, “You’re coming along very nicely. Handling a Basilisk AND beating a Haunt in the same week. I think you’ve got the makings of a mystic already but the Trials determine when you become a full-fledged mystic. Currently you’re still soon-mystic. But I can teach you your first ritual now.”

            We walked away from the abandoned hut and Racha met us outside as we went over to Bevin and Maura’s house to tell them their ghosts have been laid to rest. One more settlement trouble dealt with. More will come up but for that day. I was done in the early dawn and was allowed to rest until night…where I’d preform my first ritual with Ithella and Racha.

***Time has Passed!***


            That night. A big Bonfire was lit in the town plaza. Everyone brought food. Even Maura and Bevin came to the event. Their expressions gleeful and excited to be among friends and others. People were accepting of Bevins malady and no one questioned where he came from. Some people even offered to train him to fight. Parkik hung closely around me watching everyone who came near.

I looked at him and said, “You need to calm down. It’s a party.”

He relaxed a little bit. “Everyone’s too happy about another magic user.”

“That ‘magic user’ is your friend.” I said.

“yes but in the havens. Magic is viewed as wrong and abominable. There is even corrupted magics that run repent there. It’s unnatural for people to be so excited.”

“Our circle runs on mysticism. Don’t worry about it here.”

The Circle hushed and Ithella and Racha stood upon a raised platform. Ithella was dressed in a leather ceremonial outfit. With the robe draped over her shoulders. Racha was wearing a simple, clean, dress. She had a bag of things that she’d brought with her. She walked in front of the stage and set them out. A simple white candle. A skull. A vial of white grains. A potion. And a stone. I looked at the objects and the world stilled a bit. The orange glow from the fire shifted and shone on the objects.

“Each of these objects represents the rituals that Racha and I know we can teach Tallyden. The fates have dictated that he choose between them, finding the one that we may teach him.” Ithella said, immediately drawing the attention of everyone around.

I stepped forward and studied the objects. I looked at each in turn. Picking up the candle. Not feeling anything. Staying away from the foreboding skull, and seeing a slight sadness from Ithella, then moving on to the potion which smelled gross, invoking a frown from Racha, then I moved over to the stone and white stuff. The stone felt warm and like it belonged to me, but then my hand cramped causing me to drop it, I shook my head and picked up the vial. I tilted some of the white grains into my hand and tasted them. Salt. The flavor was delicious, if a bit strong. I looked at them and raised the vial. Ithella raised her arms and smiled widely at me.

“The warding Ritual! A protective circle that will hinder your foes and aid you in your upcoming travels! I think that is a beautiful choice!”

That night I spent time with Ithella learning how to ward a small area. It can be a trapping spell too should I need it. We tested it a few times on Parkik and I felt empowered by having it. It would be useful in times where I can prepare. Then we continued the festivity and I felt ready for the next trials. Before bed, Ithella warned me there was more troubles in the village than I’ve already faced. My trial of spirits had to continue.


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