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Major Characters

Mother Racha- The mystic leader of steadfast before Ithella. She is advanced in age, yet won't tell if asked. She is known as the mother of potions and talismans. Her potions are a comodity for those outside of steadfast because they've proven effective at curing illness and healing wounds. She is a great listener and always has a kind word for those who need it. There is a matronly fire to some of her actions though because she raised many children in her day. They all left to become Ironsworn or strong warriors. 

Mystic Ithella- The current mystic leader of steadfast. Her position has lead her to lead the families of Steadfast into a time of prosperity. Winters don't cause them any fear because she divines their outcome, and moves the village into the best possible outcome. Ithella is guiding Tallyden through his mystic initiation and she knows, or feels rather, that he will do what's right by the village of steadfast. She has a short temper for those who break rules and invade the privacy of the living. She is hiding a secret from Tallyden. 

Parkik- The son of Rodrick. A northerner with a strong build and wielder of two daggers. He has fair skin and red hair. His armor is a hardened leather of greater quality. He is fast and deadly with the daggers as shown in the duel with Tallyden. 

He will be staying in Steadfast for the winter then traveling north in the spring. By that time his father will welcome him back into their circle as a man and he'll be able to begin his trading or training empire. He may even become a mercenary to keep their circle safe in the southern mountains. His primary motivation is bettering himself through his dagger-craft. 

While staying in steadfast he helped Tallyden fight a baslisk. After that fateful encounter they both agreed to be friends. Parkik thought that was a great idea and decided to ask Tallyden to journey to his home town in the north with him. He wants to introduce the young mystic to his mother. There may also be more going on here than meets the eye. 


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