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 Name: Tallyden the Soon Mystic

Assets: Sighted, Long-Arm, Animal Kin

Edge: 1

Heart: 2

Iron: 2

Shadow: 1

Wit: 3

Current Vows

Background: (Epic) I will discover the magical secrets of the Iron Pillars that dot the Ironlands.

Vow 1: (Formidable) I swear to find and fix the trouble in the village

Vow 2:(Formidable) I will protect Parkik

Vow 3: (Dangerous) I will find the Haunt's Body. 

Vow 4: (Extreme) I will travel with Parkik to his home.

Completed Vows

(Dangerous) I swear to duel Rodrick's son with poise and tradition in mind.


Steadfast Community, a small community nestled on the northern flooded lands. Just south of the Haven's border and run by the Mystics of the town. Heads of families meet and discuss community matters. They've all agreed to aid Tallyden become a mystic. (There is a secret trouble in the community. Something dark, something secret from the most common of people.)

Racha- The mystic before Ithella become one. Her demeanor is motherly and she's losing some of her mental acuity but don't underestimate the Mother of Potions and Talismans. She is still called on to cure diseases and heal the sick. 

Ithella- A Mystic to be feared. Her intensity is only tapered by her divine knowledge of things that may come to be. The winds answer her beck and call more often than most mystics. She is a strong diviner. 

Parkik- An expert with duel blades for someone so young. Him and Tallyden faced a Basilisk which began the foundation for their bond. Tallyden will be traveling with him when he returns to his northern circle at the foothills of the mountains. 


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