Thank you for venturing to this page. I am Chris, the creator of Tallyden and player of Ironsworn. I am doing this journal as a means to play and experience the world of the Ironlands that I've built up for myself. There will periodically be updates to the pages here that reflect the narrative going on with the main blog. So keep your eyes on these separate pages.
I am also known as Chiefwerewlf to some people. I stream on twitch at http://twitch.tv/chief_werewlf , I do variety games and play at least once a week. Which is over at my community discord, which I share with Ninaera90 and Stonewolfe. The games that I play include survival, colony builders, city builders and various RPG games. I am constantly working to improve my audience and engagement so feel free to drop by and say hi. Some day I may even include a spoiler tagged stream for the Tallyden Journals. I am exploring roll20 options.
Twitter: Gaming | Writing/Authorial
Facebook: Writing
Stream: Games