With the mid-day sun on me. The circle around me. My knowledge gleened from my friend, a weakness in my foes armor. My skinny body exposed to the boy in front of me, nothing but mud covering my skin, not hiding anything. The boy, Parkik, had his daggers out and ready. Those were going to hurt when they struck me, but my staff was nearly as deadly in my hands. I’ve killed many a swamp rat with it.
With him
doing the first attack he moved closer to me. I took a breath and he lunged for
me. I readied my staff and blocked one of the daggers by hitting it away, but
with the boy being quick he knocked my staff away with the second dagger,
disarming me. I remember feeling it slip from my grip as he used the two blades
to pry it away from me. He tossed it to the side and I saw it land within the
circle to my left. A bad start in my mind.
“Good going
son! Show this village child what it means to be a true man of the north!”
Rodrick said from the side lines.
I jumped
towards the staff, giving Rodrick an opening in order to grab my weapon again. My
weapon was further out of my reach than I expected, and Rodrick stabbed the
dagger into my calf. I am sure I screamed in pain. Not only was he skilled but
his daggers were sharper than I expected. He pulled back and took the dagger
He jumped back allowing me to grab
my weapon and turn onto my back as he came back in for another slash. He stood
over me, as I lay on the ground. I go for a swing with my staff and strike the
red head in the face. A small bit of blood wells up on his lower lip and he
looks a bit dazed. Then a blood red anger rushes to his face. His brown eyes
darken and his face turns red. He slashes a few times at the air then with his
momentum, he slashes. cutting my hands and staff with his blades. He backs away
and kinda sways a little bit. Northerners have a rage that drains them. He lunges
again, trying to knock me back onto my back.
With my long-arm training, I clash
with him again. My aim was to strike his foot with the end of my staff so I put
my all into this full body movement. I shove myself close to him, feeling his
leather outfit against my skin and with all my momentum I butt my staff into
his weak foot. His face pales, he lets out a small croak of pain then crumbles to
the ground. Just kneeling before me. I nod to mother Racha who is just to the
corner of my view as I keep the crumpled fighter in my view. I then get the
idea to kick his daggers out of the ring, and out of his reach, so I do just
that. I send the first one flying to the left, near the foot of a merchant
selling bread, then the other one to the right, to Rodrick’s standing. I now
was standing, shakily over the boy, who was crumpled on the ground, suppressing
his tears. He looked up at me and I say, “We are done. The fight was good, but
I have fulfilled the traditions based on the old ways. I have honored your
hits. I have honored the mystics. Now surrender!”
My voice came out louder than I
intended. I watched his face as he was deciding. His eyes darted between the
two daggers, then up to his dad, then back to me. I kneeled down and put my
hand on his shoulder. He looked at me and exhaled. “I parkik accept the
surrender and bow my head in defeat to you, Tallyden the soon-mystic.”
Ithella clapped. Her voice then
rang out around the plaza. “Tallyden has won the first trial of mystichood! He
has beaten Parkik according to the old traditions of strength and bravery!”
I fell to the ground next to Parkik
and said, “Sir Parkik…Your daggers hurt!”
“They’re made to kill…” he
responded then rubbed his head, “your stick there is painful too.”
I laughed. The crowd was dispersing
and Racha was coming over with some herbs and potions. I didn’t see her pick
those up, so I wondered if she had kept them on her just in case. I then turn
to the red head, “We should hang out next time you’re in the neighborhood.”
He nodded. “Maybe you can teach me
a thing or two.”
“Nah, you’ve got more to teach me.
I was on my back the entire battle. You fought hard.”
“Maybe if you’re in the north we
can train.” He said.
“Sure thing!”
Racha came over and was about to
fuss over me then I shook my head and pointed to Parkik, “Our guest. He gets
treated first.”
Ithella saw this and a rare smile
crossed her lips. She walked over with the ancient robes and wrapped me in
them. The cloak’s warm embrace and her smile made me forget about the worries
of being in front of people for a bit. The discomfort I was feeling was
temporary while this pride would be with me for a long while. I was happy to
have survived and been able to make Racha and Ithella happy. This was a moment
I would remember for a while and I’m happy to have been able to record it for
the future.
The cuts on my hands were beginning
to sting and my leg felt useless as it sent electric pain shocks every time my
heartbeat. Ithella kneeled down next to me and was doing basic tending
Rodrick came over to his son, who
was just healing up from Racha’s herbal treatments. their magic doing its work
fast sealing cuts on the red head and turning the blackening bruses yellow.
Rodrick said, “Boy, you fought good, you’re
nearly a man, but I think we choose the wrong person to pit you against…”
“No dad, he was the right one.”
Parkik said.
I chimed in, “He’s not a man after
that? That fight had me on my ass the entire time! He deserves more than,” I
clear my throat, “ ‘you fought good’” I mimicked him.
Rodrick turned on me, “What are you
saying boy?!”
“Bestow upon him manhood.” I tried
to convince. “That fight was strong. He nearly won! I just pushed past his
defense and shoved my staff where it shouldn’t go.”
Parkik stifled a laugh. I stood up
and leaned on my staff. I was a head shorter than Rodrick and Parkik but I
stood at my fullest, without putting weight on my sore leg.
Rodrick shakes his head. “You don’t
know when to shut your mouth, do you?”
I shrugged.
He took a breath and continued,
“Fine. My son has earned his place as a man. He can hunt with the best of us.
He can beat a…strong adversary…” He coughed a bit. “But, for him to truly
become a man…he must undertake a long journey. We will leave him here among the
mystics of the swamp for the winter. Then come spring, he must return home.”
Rodrick turned to me, he pulled off
his ring and said, “You’ve earned this Tallyden and it’s yours, but I want you
to make a swear on iron. While my son is in your care, no harm will come to
him. He will return to me in the spring!”
Parkik’s head was low and I touched
the Iron ring. “I swear to protect Parkik.”
The ring glowed a soft white and
then sputtered and cooled. I put it on my hand and smiled. Rodrick turned away
and said, “Son, let’s go drink to your new manhood.”
Ithella put her arm around me and began
guiding me to the healers hut, “You’re bleeding dear Tallyden” she said, “let’s
get you healed. Mother Racha is going to be worried about you and fussing you.”
I nodded and looked at her, “Does
this mean our vow is done?”
“What do you think?”
I thought on it until we got into
the hut. Then I smiled at her, “Yes, I
think we’ve succeeded in keeping the poise and traditions. I also think that
the fight was won fair and square, even with the help I received.”
“Then you’ve done good and your vow
has been done. You have also completed the Trial of Strength. So you’re one
step closer to being a mystic. Good job Tallyden!
And it was here that I finish this
entry. I am in the house of healing for the remainder of the day. Recovering
from my knife slashes and wounds. The herbs that Racha used were rather potent
and healed the slashes on my hands quickly, but my leg was going to take all
night. She said I was lucky though. I will only get a faded scar, not even
something cool and deep. It’s alright though. Parkik is staying for the winter,
and I will be his protector.
Ithella came in right before Racha was going
to tell me to sleep, she said that the next challenge will be a Trial of
Spirit. I will have to begin it tomorrow. I am excited and scared for this. I
am now also officially Ironsworn.
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